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- WP 2 (OSD)Ocean Sampling Day
- WP 3Oceanography & Environmental Data
- WP 4Standards and Interoperability
- WP 5Bioinformatics & Data Integration
- WP 6Exploring Ecosystems Biology
- WP 7Function and Biotechnology
- WP 8Intellectual Property (IP) Management for Marine Bioprospecting
- WP 9Dissemination & Outreach
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- Third Micro B3 Industry Expert Workshop
- Micro B3 Industry Expert Workshop
- Micro B3/OSD Analysis Workshop
- Micro B3 Stakeholder Workshop
- Micro B3 Summer School in Crete 2014
- Marine Metagenomics Bioinformatics
- Micro B3 Industry expert workshop
- EU-US Training 2013
- Micro B3 Statistics Training 2013
- MG4U Bioinformatics Training 2013
- Bioinformatics Training 2012
- EU-US Training 2012
41st CIESM Congress in Kiel, Germany

The CIESM meeting, one of the largest multi-disciplinary forums in marine science, will present a major opportunity not only for researchers working on the Mediterranean and Black Seas, but also to any investigator from the Red Sea all the way to the Kara Sea, including the Atlantic shores, to come and share/ compare/ discuss their scientific approaches and latest findings in some 90 distinct sessions that will cover key issues. The sectors will range from marine geo-sciences, ocean climate, marine food-webs, invasive species, to marine plastics, biotechnology, geo-chemistry and marine policy. Note that each session will include a 30 minute-debate with the audience.
The link www.ciesm.org/marine/congresses/Kiel.htm will lead you to our Congress webpages, with details on the many Congress themes, on Congress fees, on instructions to authors, etc ... From there you will be able to register and submit your paper online latest until March 10, 2016.
Please note that you will benefit of a special (- 40%) discount if you register before 20 February, with the option to finalize and submit your paper later, provided that you meet our final deadline.
Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Germany
Monday, September 12, 2016 to Friday, September 16, 2016