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- WP 2 (OSD)Ocean Sampling Day
- WP 3Oceanography & Environmental Data
- WP 4Standards and Interoperability
- WP 5Bioinformatics & Data Integration
- WP 6Exploring Ecosystems Biology
- WP 7Function and Biotechnology
- WP 8Intellectual Property (IP) Management for Marine Bioprospecting
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- Micro B3 Industry Expert Workshop
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- Marine Metagenomics Bioinformatics
- Micro B3 Industry expert workshop
- EU-US Training 2013
- Micro B3 Statistics Training 2013
- MG4U Bioinformatics Training 2013
- Bioinformatics Training 2012
- EU-US Training 2012
MyOSD Paper published

The first Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) took place on June 21, 2014. In a coordinated effort, an internationally distributed group of scientists collected samples from marine surface waters in order to study microbial diversity on a single day with global granularity. Concurrently, citizen scientists enriched the OSD initiative through the MyOSD project, providing additional oceanographic measurements crucial to the contextualization of microbial diversity. Clear protocols, a user-friendly smartphone application, and an online web-form guided citizens in accurate data acquisition, promoting quality submissions to the project’s information system. To evaluate the coverage and quality of MyOSD data submissions, we compared the sea surface temperature measurements acquired through OSD, MyOSD, and automatic in situ systems and satellite measurements. Our results show that the quality of citizen-science measurements was comparable to that of scientific measurements. As 79% of MyOSD measurements were conducted in geographic areas not covered by automatic in situ or satellite measurement, citizen scientists contributed significantly to worldwide oceanographic data gathering. Furthermore, survey results indicate that participation in MyOSD made citizens feel more engaged in ocean issues and may have increased their environmental awareness and ocean literacy.
The full text can be found here