- Home
- About
- Partners
- Work Packages
- WP 1Management & Coordination
- WP 2 (OSD)Ocean Sampling Day
- WP 3Oceanography & Environmental Data
- WP 4Standards and Interoperability
- WP 5Bioinformatics & Data Integration
- WP 6Exploring Ecosystems Biology
- WP 7Function and Biotechnology
- WP 8Intellectual Property (IP) Management for Marine Bioprospecting
- WP 9Dissemination & Outreach
- Public DeliverablesAll Micro B3's public deliverables
- Meetings
- Workshops
- Third Micro B3 Industry Expert Workshop
- Micro B3 Industry Expert Workshop
- Micro B3/OSD Analysis Workshop
- Micro B3 Stakeholder Workshop
- Micro B3 Summer School in Crete 2014
- Marine Metagenomics Bioinformatics
- Micro B3 Industry expert workshop
- EU-US Training 2013
- Micro B3 Statistics Training 2013
- MG4U Bioinformatics Training 2013
- Bioinformatics Training 2012
- EU-US Training 2012
"Visions in Science" - Shaping the future

The "Visions in Science" is an interdisciplinary meeting for Junior Scientists across various fields of science, organized by members of the Max Planck PhDnet, the communication network for PhD Students of the Max Planck Society. The conference is open to all Junior Scientists of the Max Planck Society, as well as of other university and non-university institutions. The aim is to promote the fresh, visionary thinking essential for ground-breaking research and alternative perspectives. By inviting leading scientists and innovative companies to come together with young professionals, a stimulating atmosphere to network, discuss and generate novel ideas is created. It is an opportunity to connect curious minds that care about the future, promoting mutual understanding and allowing visions to emerge. Hence, it provided a great platform to introduce the still fairly new idea of a citizen science campaign integrated in the marine research project Micro B3. Anna Klindworth from the Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) core team got the great opportunity to present the OSD citizen science project and the crowdfunding concept. It was a pleasure to discuss this innovative approach among a group of inspiring young scientist, and to raise awareness for the importance of marine microorganisms for the health of our oceans.
The outline of the conference gets it to the point: “The future is in your hands – shape it!“. Indeed, we have the tools! We have the expertise! and OSD can provide the data! Let’s take marine science to the next level and shape the future of the world’s oceans. Now is the time to get active and support the OSD crowdfunding campaign!