Marine Microbiology & Biotechnology:Biodiscovery, Biodiversity and Bioremediation 2012

'Marine biotechnology’ has become an umbrella term for a plethora of diverse research activities aimed at providing sustainable food and energy sources, protecting environmental and human health, and facilitating the development of novel industrial products and processes.  In its position paper 15, (Sept 2010), Marine Biotechnology: A new vision and strategy for Europe, the European Science Foundation Marine Board identified urgent research objectives for the thematic areas outlined above. Microbiology based inputs were recognised as being central to several of the marine biotechnology advances envisaged.

The meeting will be combined with a meeting of the Function and Biotechnology workpackage (WP 7) of Micro B3



University College Cork, Ireland
Micro B3 Function and Biotechnology WP 7
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 to Friday, November 16, 2012